3of4 Share Bloggers Blog-ness
Everyone gets a thrill out of seeing their stuff gets liked or hearted. So imagine how you'd feel if they were to take it a step further. Yes I’m talking about using your article on their site.
How would that make your feel?
If you never knew their business would you suddenly take an interest and look over their entire site? You bet you would.
Would you gain a few members of their audience because of the interaction? You bet you would.
So why is this not happening on an on-going base? This should be that thing that really gets you excited! It turns into of winner for both parties because be honest the best thing we can achieve online is exposure.
Try this method of interaction for the next two weeks and find a minimum of four articles to share on your site... let me know in the comments down below how it goes it bet it will inspire you!
When I visit someone’s blog and like the article I read, I take the time to click on their social icons to share it with my audience.
Just remember not to get carried away and share things that are not relevant to your market niche or customer base. But once you have practised this technique for a few months, do you think your market place will respond differently to your online presents? You bet it will!
Once again if you don't have the time to do a program like this as you have other obligations than marketing and finding new business. Hire Hot Shoe Studio to create these connections. Feel free to contact us at any time for further information on our available programs.