Social Online Media

There is WAY more to online marketing than likes, shares and back-links.  Understanding what the wants and needs of your users, interacting with them socially and truly caring about them with your online presence has become more challenging than ever.  Before a business owner ever meets a customer face-to-face, they need to interpret their desires and offer them a product or experience that will be fulfilling to them.  In the age of social media, clients have been turned into keystrokes and data to be interpreted, then extrapolated through algorithms and analytics. Bring the same level of care back to your online customers as you share with them in person.

Finding ways to interpret your online data is just the beginning.   Analytics are a good place to start, but can they tell if your website is easy to maneuver?  Or if your customers are getting the data and experience they want?  Can you, as a business owner, tell when a page, due to a simple layout error, is causing you not to reach that final step to conversion or what’s slowing down your conversion rate?



Our websites are designed with the do-it-yourself user in mind, making it notably easier for you, the end user, to maintain and update your website on your own, long after the project has successfully completed.   However, even though managing websites can be a matter of dragging and dropping, resizing images, and WYSIWYG editing, the key is knowing what to change - producing new photos and the video, staying current and relevant with your information and delivering this to you clients.  So if you have the marketing savvy to create the content and you have used a computer in the past twenty years you’ll feel right at home making any and all changes. More on our web design can be found here...(coming soon)

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Social Media Takeovers

Let us take over your social media account on a monthly basis or for a special event.
Our last event take over produced the following results (see side slide )

Social Media Plans

Working with you we will create a package that is suitable to your business and take some of the time and stress out of your online marketing.  We have been successful in providing many businesses an advantage over their competition by supplying them with the know how and equipment to create an online presence that stands above the crowd. Call Us today for a free consult

  • Marketing strategy and planning 

  • Professional Photography

  • Videography

  • commitment to excellence

Social Media Coaching

Building a solid structure for your online presence is just as important as how you present your product, goods or service in the real world.  Social Media is just another media platform.  So why would you put the time and effort into a print ad and then wing what you do online?  Would you buy an expensive ad in the news paper to show your customers you went golfing Saturday? Then why is it on your online business page?  No marketing plan, no structure, no focus = no results! Take the next step.


Solving OnLine Problems through testing 


What would you say if we told you we can provide you just that insight into your online business?
We can eliminate the guess work from website construction, showing you the areas that have the largest opportunities for growth and more importantly finding out at what step or page your potential customers most commonly leave your site.  While still providing you with all the expected interaction of an online leader in the form of polls, questionnaires, providing experiences, surveys and more!
We offer you old-school expectations brought to online sales! 
Call us today to sit down face-to-face to find out how to bring your online traffic closer.
