How to own 2016 with 4 days to go

Getting ready for 2016 with 4 days to go!

Here’s a few to-do’s you might not have included in your planning for 2016 and a few activities to get yourself ready for the fast approaching new year.

#1 Clean up unfinished business.

Everyone has a few piles of small, unfinished business left around. Thankfully, I left plenty of white space in my calendar for getting these done myself (jokingly said as starting as new business there is never enough time for anything ),  small to-do’s and spots of clutter I’d like to clean up before the year’s end have been recognized and itemized to get them done. What are your challenges for the next four days?

#2 Where’s your growth going to happen?

I would suggest taking a few moments out of your day and not only looking but signing up for 1 or 2 business programs for the New Year.  Learn something new or further your development in a topic you love.  Sign up for it now even if it’s not till the middle of 2016 but make it happen today.

#3 Do a 3-day cleanse.  

That’s right three days of eating healthy and getting your body off toughs holiday sugar cookies can’t hurt …right?  And you never know small steps lead to bigger action.  I’m eager to start getting healthy in 2016.

#4 Schedule the most important things

For a business owner your thoughts fall to scheduling your year and last minute revisions to your business plan, but REMEMBER there is more to life than work.  It’s true!  Sit down and plan a few special dates now with your family for the upcoming year.  My wife and I have so much fun trying new foods and enjoying a relaxing evening together.   This year we want to create a habit of having a dinner date every month.  Put something on the books for your social and family calendar.

#5 Give credit where credit is due. 

Perform an end-year review of everything that has gone on in 2015. Many people don’t take the time to reward themselves for their past accomplishments.  How many things did you do that your take for granted now in the past year? Let us know what they are post some below.

#6 Get a marketing plan in place

How can you possibly get a marketing plan in place in just 4days you ask… Simple if you don’t have one for 2016 by now OR your marketing plan consists of the same things you do every year it’s time to hire us.  Pick up the phone or contact us on line to schedule an appointment.  And if your advertisements do not revolve around a plan and you find yourself running an ad because of a deal that week the newspaper is offering or there’s a good radio spot this month.  It will do very little to drive business to you.  Doing this online is not advertising nor marketing its called spam.  Let us help develop and implement a winning plan for your business in 2016.  Contact us today! Hot Shoe Studio Red Deer, Alberta Canada

David Dinan
His long-time love for photography started at an early age, transforming into more than just a hobby. With a young entrepreneurial spirit starting in High School, David opened a sign design company. He designed signage for companies like Cultures, Don Cherries Sports Bar & Restaurant, Play-It-Again Sports and many others. David decided to continue growing in his passion by attending Niagara College for Marketing, in Niagara Falls Canada. After school, David quickly found himself immersed in world of Real Estate, working with a few dynamic individuals that soon became his mentors for the next decade. Working from a two Realtor basement office, David assisted in the growth of the company to 130 agents. Then tragedy struck one of his mentors, and David took this as a sign to explore more of the world. This opened the door for opportunities. As David started to travel abroad, he found new challenges and opportunities involving another of his passions, scuba diving. This lead to many great adventures, however none as great as becoming part of the team at Bans Diving, the world’s leader in diving certifications, where David took on the role of Sales Manager and facilitated the Divemaster Program. David learned the scuba business from industry world leaders (similar to real estate); and this lead him to work as a Sales Manager for a scuba equipment distribution company in Indonesia in charge of Bali and many of the surrounding islands. There David implemented their largest campaign to date, set up new dealers and launched a new in-store marketing campaign. Now after many years of traveling David and his wife Jessica have returned to Canada and have made Red Deer, Alberta their home. Jessica is following her passion too, and working on achieving her Masters of Library Sciences, as David starts his next professional adventure by helping businesses like yours grow and exceed expectations. David aims to utilize his decades of experience in sales and marketing, to assist you in devising a personalized plan that will hone your business’s marketing potential and take it to new heights. Hot Shoe Studio will be officially open for business as of January 2016. If you have a need for marketing, are looking for a bit of advice or need to overhaul your entire business plan, let’s sit down. Together we will gauge your needs and wants and create a perfect plan to achieve your specific business goals.

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